After seeing Zotovich down the Cafe Insomnia...I soon became intrigued about the tired old ideas he was peddlin' in his supermarkets. Of course now that Le Rabelais Supermarket has banded together with all the other supermarkets to form the De:Facto World Government, it seems everything and anything that is meaningful can be found on their shelves. Whole cultures are wrapped up, packaged and put on display,
...pots, pans, clouds, cuckoos. Now the supermarkets have realised that people rarely stop investing things with meaning, they've really cornered the market. For while science and religion mistakenly staked their claim on absolute and eternal truths, the supermarkets know that meaning is mostly disposable, and have seen how any old rubbish will do. Once meaning becomes disposable everything inside the supermarket becomes meaningful whereas whatever lays outside remains meaningless. Therefore garbage is those things that are no longer meaningful; clouds in the sky are poor substitutes for the supermarkets' artificial aerosol variety. In an increasingly antiseptic world plastic cuckoos and never used pans carry the day, whilst twice used pots are taken as a sign of perversion...take any sidewalk anthropologist’s word for's strange times that we live in...